Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Spoken Blog Love

Today seems like a great day to share some blog posts I think really nail down what I've been getting at with using your voice and speaking up.  And I have a dentist appointment today so...

This post by Amy Oscar is just so damn touching.  She talks about an experience she and her mother shared, and I can honestly say I'm a better person for having read it.  A perfect use of voice here.

Here's one by Jenna Avery. On being a mass of contradictions and shrugging off the constraints.  I'm going to let it speak for itself.  Read it.  You won't be sorry.  :)

I totally tripped over this one by Stephen R. Covey, and I'm so glad I did.  4 Steps to Finding Your Voice.

Sometimes it's hard for me to convey the words of exactly what I'm trying to say.  By others sharing I am also able to offer up some examples in their words that resonate strongly with me.

Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. I just found your old blog and after I hit the follow button, I saw that you have moved. I do hope that this time you stick with in. There are rewards out here in cyber-space that you can not imagine. I've only been blogging since January and I've met so many wonderfully talented women. As for you not having words, I say, JUST BE YOURSELF...never under estimate a person that God has created (that's you). Give yourself the same love and kindness that you give to others. I just know that you have a voice and I am one who would love to hear it. Five years ago I only sang in the shower. Now I sing with two groups. Hey we're not big, we sing at county fairs, farmers markets and nursing homes, but we have so much fun. I even learned guitar and would not have dreamed that I could. It all starts with that first step. So take a little plunge into the water and get your feet wet . . .you might just be surprised at how many people will love you for who you are. I'm ready to follow your blog, but I want to know if you're going to continue and give this one all you've got, first. FLY, YOUNG WOMEN, SPREAD YOUR WINGS AND FLY!!! Your new fan, Connie you can find me at



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