Thursday, November 10, 2011

Bad Bad Blogging ARTIST... Woohoo!

I won't even begin to explain myself.  I've several excuses as to my not blogging, with which I won't waste your time, or mine posting.  :)  Excuses are like a**holes, everybody has one.

I've made some pretty big changes lately.  Changes that have sent me into full on inner turmoil and set my "self" critic right over the edge.  I quit my day job and have no intentions of finding another one.  I have chosen to be a working artist.  (Ewww!!!  That feels a little scary even typing that.)  I spent the first couple of weeks totally freaking out about my decision.  "How irresponsible can you be?" (That question flew through my head in the voice of ex-husband #2)   "You have kids and a family to take care of!"  "You are too damn old to be chasing down some silly dream!"   And seriously, I could spend days typing all the crap that has went through my head about my choice; but I think you all get the general idea.  Self-battering at it's finest.

I have a few different avenues to accomplish this big CRAZY idea/dream I have for myself.  Along with actually selling my artwork, I've also taken up blog design.  You can check out my latest job here.  God bless family!  That blog was for my sister.  :)  And I am pleased to announce that my artwork HAS been selling.  I've found a few different outlets for the art.  Etsy, a craft mall in Salt Lake City, along with a few different ideas in the works.

So ya ya, that's all good and fine.  I make up my  mind to do it, the ONLY thing I've ever really wanted in my whole life, I throw everything up in the air, behave like I'm 12 and go for it.  But here is what really really got me.  Darren and I went out last weekend, met a few new people, had a date night and a great time.  One of these new people, (sorry I don't remember your name, I kinda suck like that), asked me what I did for a living.  What my job was.  Without even missing a beat, smooth as smooth can be, the words roll out, "I'm an Artist".  I felt no hesitation, no shame, just pure honest happiness in finally owning that.  That is the first time EVER I have been able to proudly announce what I do for a living and feel no shame.  Although there I days I feel like I should be ashamed...I'M NOT!!!  I am however, a little ashamed of not being ashamed.  Oh the vicious circles we run ourselves in.  LOL!

You can fully expect this blog to get a full face makeover.  :)  I just haven't had the time to work on my own.  A few things have been taken care of and the blog has now moved up on my priority list.  Here is a sneak peak at the beginnings of what will be part of the header.

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